
Many EHR systems do not easily integrate information from older, paper-based records, yet most healthcare organizations have decades of older records. The information in these older records is essential for physicians trying to diagnose and treat patients. Find out how Rockland Eye Clinic uses the ECM system called PaperVision® Enterprise in conjunction with their EHR to improve patient care.

The Mental Health Center of Denver used PaperVision® Capture and PaperVision® Enterprise to convert their paper medical files into Electronic Health Records (EHR). Along the way, they improved patient care and earned 1315% ROI on their investment.

Would Your Business Like to Increase Revenue and Your Produtivity?

By offering the Digitech Systems product suite, Records Consultants Inc. was able to drastically increase overall productivity and grow revenue by $200,000 just a couple of months after becoming a partner.

Are You Looking for a Simple, Efficient Way to Move Paper-based Information into Your Electronic Records or ECM System?

As business information continues to grow at unprecedented rates, document management resellers and dealers are key partners helping organizations securely protect and manage critical data.

Want to Access Any Document, Anywhere, Anytime From Any Mobile Device?

Digitech Systems announces the launch of PaperVision® Enterprise R75, which introduces mobile device compatibility with browser independence.

Are You Struggling With Manual Processes?

ECM systems can increase your operational efficiency while enhancing the integrity of information.

How Are You Sharing Data Between Agencies?

Enterprise Content Management (ECM) systems allow local, state and federal agencies to share information securely while reducing manual processes.

Is Your Organization Looking For Repeat Business and Short Sales Cycles?

As a Digitech Systems partner, Document Management Solutions was able to streamline sales cycles and increase recurring revenue.

How Does Electronically Managing Documents Boost Staff Productivity?

With PaperVision Enterprise®, Federal White Cement reduces document retrieval times from hours to seconds and improves operating efficiency.

Why Should Your Organization Offer Nonproprietary Products?

By partnering with Digitech Systems to offer a non-proprietary product suite, Fort Docs is able to grow their business and increase revenue by 500%!