
The Construction industry, with the subcontractors, contractors, suppliers and vendors, manage a ton of documents in their day-to-day operations. Costs are high in paper storage and management and precious time is often wasted when trying to locate and sort through documents that are crucial to operation. Read the powerful article below written by John Kennedy and Richard Bergfeld, resellers of Digitech Systems, that highlight the many reasons to go digital in the Construction industry

Very exciting news this holiday week: “Eight Ways to Go Paper-Free in A Creative Agency,” includes Digitech Systems as the ECM solution of choice published on Forbes online! Read about some great ideas for reducing paper usage in the office, which can make a significant environmental impact.

In an industry characterized by remote job sites and delays, construction companies struggle to manage jobs and operations with a focus on profitability. Our CEO offers insights learned by our customer, Vulcan Materials, that highlight how digital systems can streamline operations, improve quality of decision-making through access to up-to-date information, and ultimately reduce job costs.

Ever had a digitization project go off the rails and wondered what you might have done to lead the change more effectively? Good leaders self-evaluate and always look for better ways of accomplishing tasks—especially when projects don’t turn out as planned. So what leadership skills are critical to improving our ability to guide imaging and business process automation projects?

Did you know that the average IT project runs 45% over budget, 7% over time AND delivers 56% less value than expected? Find out how to improve the likelihood of ECM implementation success and managing change in the second article in our multi-part leadership series.

Read a letter from our CEO! Digitech Systems is celebrating its 20th anniversary! Read a letter from our CEO, HK Bain, as he reflects on the past 20 years as a values-based company.

You’ve probably noticed that we are consuming technology in different ways than ever before. Our Chairman and Founder, Scott Matthews, offers his perspective on the critical revolution affecting cloud technologies such as ImageSilo®.

How Will Eliminating Paper Improve Your Government Office?

Universal City, Texas experiences improved efficiency with PaperVision® Enterprise.

Are Your Organizations' Records Safe From Disaster?

San Antonio River Authority (SARA) is able to protect their documents from natural disaster, improve access to information and save money with PaperVision® Enterprise!

Digitech Systems’ software and services have helped countless companies improve their business processes and save money. Join our Director of Sales, Sean Morris, recount three success stories made possible with Digitech’s ECM products and services in this podcast interview.