
Would Your Business Like to Increase Revenue and Your Produtivity?

By offering the Digitech Systems product suite, Records Consultants Inc. was able to drastically increase overall productivity and grow revenue by $200,000 just a couple of months after becoming a partner.

What if You Could Convert All Your Paper Records to Electronic Files?

Digitech Systems announces a return to their roots with the launch of a brand new PaperFlow scanning application.

What Do You Need to Know About Cloud ECM?

By now you have heard of this MEGA trend known as cloud Enterprise Content Management (ECM). Learn what cloud can do for your business.

Are You Looking for a Simple, Efficient Way to Move Paper-based Information into Your Electronic Records or ECM System?

As business information continues to grow at unprecedented rates, document management resellers and dealers are key partners helping organizations securely protect and manage critical data.

What if Every Piece of Critical Data in Your Company Was Securely Available Right Now?

Extraordinarily impact your average business day with an ECM system that moves your out-of-control paper documents and electronic files into an organized digital format for secure management.

Want to Access Any Document, Anywhere, Anytime From Any Mobile Device?

Digitech Systems announces the launch of PaperVision® Enterprise R75, which introduces mobile device compatibility with browser independence.

How Can Digitech Systems Help You Grow Your Revenue?

Databank IMX gained at least $10 million dollars in new revenue as a Digitech Systems Partner.

Are You Struggling With Manual Processes?

ECM systems can increase your operational efficiency while enhancing the integrity of information.

How Are You Sharing Data Between Agencies?

Enterprise Content Management (ECM) systems allow local, state and federal agencies to share information securely while reducing manual processes.

Want to Get More of Your Electronic Files into SharePoint…For FREE?

Ever had a digitization project go off the rails and wondered what you might have done to lead the change more effectively? Good leaders self-evaluate and always look for better ways of accomplishing tasks—especially when projects don’t turn out as planned. So what leadership skills are critical to improving our ability to guide imaging and business process automation projects?