
Tied up in red tape? Provide fast, secure access to government records with ECM

Government agencies manage a multitude of records and can leverage Enterprise Content Management (ECM) systems to maintain ironclad security while allowing open access.

Have you heard of a Digital Mailroom?

Get in compliance with GDPR regulations, protect customer data, and enforce system security standards with ECM solutions.

Are you protecting your customers' data in compliance with GDPR?

Get in compliance with GDPR regulations, protect customer data, and enforce system security standards with ECM solutions.

Are You Struggling to Keep Up With Ever Changing Technology?

Implement Enterprise Content Management (ECM) systems to increase your competitive edge, while increasing your profits.

Want to Use Electronic Signatures, But Need to Comply with The E-Sign Act?

Leverage electronic signatures to sign your documents and improve your efficiency while allowing you to comply with the E-Sign Act.

Looking for a brief overview of RPA and how it can help your business?

Read this brief overview of RPA and see how automation can elevate your business processes, make your employees happier, and save money. You’ll even see an example of using RPA to automate an Accounts Payable process with invoices.

Are You Electronically Processing Checks?

Implement Enterprise Content Management (ECM) solutions to enable accurate check scanning, automated processing, and a centralized information system to maintain compliance with Check 21.

Are your paper-based business processes slowing you down?

This process automation brief will help alleviate any confusion or doubts about Business Process Automation (BPA). Digitech Systems’ automation solution suite will help any enterprise streamline business processes and get ahead of the competition with literally a few clicks a day.

Are You Staying Ahead of the Competition with Cloud Services?

Cloud Enterprise Content Management (ECM) systems can dramatically improve how information is managed while also saving your organization time and money. Read the Cloud Services brief to learn more!

Is Your Healthcare Organization Still Reliant on Manual Processes?

Ever had a digitization project go off the rails and wondered what you might have done to lead the change more effectively? Good leaders self-evaluate and always look for better ways of accomplishing tasks—especially when projects don’t turn out as planned. So what leadership skills are critical to improving our ability to guide imaging and business process automation projects?